Need caps value near MAX77621 and MAX77620

Thank you Calvin for your fast reply.
The picture of the parts I actually meant is somehow missing in my post.
So here once again:

The cap is a 0402 5 ”F

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You are my hero! Thanks again!

Are you sure that this capacitor is 5 ”F :question:
Because nearest values of E-24 series are 4,7”F and 5.1”F.
Unless it is really is a E-96 precision capacitor. The nearest value than would be 4.99”F.

Sorry, it is the direct value I measured at the desoldered cap in this spot.
A X7R has a range from +/- 10%, so it is a common 4.7 ”F cap.

Kudos for taking the trouble to desolder the capacitor for clarification. :+1:
My capacitor was somehow “blown in the wind” while desoldering the MAX77620 via heat gun. :roll_eyes:

Best regards

thanks Calvin, you’re the man!

By the way: anybody found the datasheet for MAX77620 yet?
Seems to be a nonofficial part from Analog-Devices and not available for public.

i found this post on an nvdia forum, can’t say it will work but maybe its worth a shot?

With Maxim the NDA is needed to request the full datasheet.
Below is Maxim technical support link, customer can submit request from below website.
Once MAXIM got this kind request, they will coordinate the NDA signature, and provide MAX77620 documents.

I know a couple of people who got the datasheets from Maxim, but seems like between them getting it and now, they’ve gotten stricter. I jumped through all the hoops only to have them request a “college/UNI email” be provided, ID etc etc :frowning: Maybe if you know someone still in college/uni you can get them to do it for you and sign the NDA (though I wouldn’t be surpised them checking up in which field)

figured it was a longshot, but never hurts to try i guess. Hardware is essentially ancient tech at this point anyways.

Yeah definately worth a go. Who knows, maybe I just got put through to the jobsworth :wink:

Its already 2024, are there no update on the datasheet?