Sorry missed this. You have to watch yourself getting ICs from China as while sometimes they’re fine - in the case of unmarked parts (for example if the listing just says “EN IC” then likely thery have no idea themselves what the part is and they’ll either be salvaged and poorly reballed or physically damaged or they’ll be a clone IC (or worse a re-etch/laser of an unrelated IC in the same package)… or they could be legit… it’s a coin toss. Given that you can get this at most legit vendors I’d opt for that before anything else…I only ever use Aliexpress/eBay China these days if I can’t get the parts from a legit supplier and/or I’m desperate, just not worth the headache.
Got a whole bunch of fuel gauges for Switch on Aliexpress ages ago. Literally no good reason to pull, reball, retop (in some cases) and then re-blister then ultimately resell… given how common and cheap the IC is new… but they still did it
Here is the topic where the IC was identified.
As for replacing M92/P13 no you should be fine, provided all your rails measure good (like we did earlier ) following replacing the EN IC en you should be fine.
Your exactly right: