Nintendo Switch 2016 stuck at second boot logo (nintendo switch logo) fast charge working

Yep… I’m glad too, gettin nearby the fix give me a lot of joy.

1-bit mode solved after refresh solder legs in memory card socket.

But BT isn’t able to connect neither at shorter range. Then I try again Linux, and suprise, BT can detect everything and also connect to the Joycons at shown in the image.

This point to an other Firmware issue of the replaced IC? I’m not able to find one from an other board a this moment…
Looking on forum I found someone talking about flashing the IC using Android, unfortunately the links provided in the discussion are not working anymore :frowning:

Good stiff :+1:

Oh I see your talking aboute FW on the Wifi/BT IC itself - :thinking: Yeah it’s possible that’s the reason as several people have posted having BT issues using stock OEM IC’s … whether or not this is as a reslt of the FW on the IC I’m not really sure (or don’t remember) as I typically only use them from donors but it could well be because of that based on BT working fine for you in L4T - might be worth PMing the guy over on GBATemp and asking if he has the binary file and attempting to flash it in L4T or Android or whatnot (sorry can’t help with this as I’ve not done it myself though I wouldn’t get your hopes up as I imagine that dude would have posted if it had been successful but who knows :slight_smile: ) and failing that just getting an IC which is from a donor or from a seller who has verified it’s from a Switch donor.

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I think I have some news. This is what CTCaer said after inspecting my Linux log: “you got the wrong chip BRCM4354A2 where switch one is BRCM4356A3 4356 is basically 4354 with different fuses but anyway. you need to solder the right chip or patch the bt firmware in the btm sysmodule grab BCM4356A2.hcd from /lib/firmware that’s what you need to replace it with. if you want to check what happens in l4t with hos fw, you can update it and then rename BCM4356A3.hcd to BCM4356A2.hcd and reboot it will probably throw errors in dmesg. you will need to create exefs patches for the relevant sysmodule that means that everytime it gets updated, you will need to create new ones now there’s an easier way to do that custom atmo loader. you will need to edit loader sysmodule and when it sees and tries to load the bt sysmodule, search the firmware and then patch it with the correct one you will need to search the size of it also and patch that too”.

That’s it. They sold as the right chip, taking these chips and printing the code of the right one on them even if they’re not actually the same.

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Interesting, thanks for getting this info - so afaiu from CTCaer message you’d basically be stuck having to modify and use CFW for this to continually work, which I suppose isn’t a bad thing if it’s your own personal switch. (at least if I’m understanding correctly)

Bloody typical, these Chinese sellers always play these games :roll_eyes: unfortunately it will continue… Aliexpress is a broken platform with zero consequences and unfortunately these items bleed out onto other sites like eBay and the like from resellers further down the chain who don’t know any better :frowning:

You are right!

Even though it’s not so simple, I will try. In the meantime, I hope to be able to find another chip, the right one this time!

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In the end, finally, got the right working chip. I guess this is the end of the story (an happy ending!). Hope this post will help someone in the same setting as mine. Thank you for the support, and special tanks to Danny @Severence.

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Great to hear. Glad you got it up and running again :+1: