Nintendo Switch Components showing weird values all around

Might not have been you, seen plenty of cases where it’s caused from prior users.

Would be what I’d expect on an unpatched erista. Your current patient is perhaps a touch low, but still in the realms of alright (maybe patched eirsta this is typical, I forget) . Not sure Why Calvin measured 70 ohm

Yep… there is one particular youtuber (I won’t name names) but you know, the guy with the funny accent, spends most of the time jacking himself off in the video/s about how “great” he is, and what an “amazing job” he’s doing (whereas I’m looking at it in disgust) … well, this guy, if he had your patient board right now, well, he’d be clueless, not only would he give up in 5 mins, he’d also charge the customer a “repair attempt fee” for merely glancing at the board + whatever postage costs each way, and there would be no video on the matter… most of these so called “pros” can only fix obvious physical / liquid damage based on visuals or obvious dead shorts to ground, nothing more… I think when you’ve been doing this for a while, it will dawn on you that not even 50% (maybe even less) of all incoming repairs are these (obvious) fault / repair types, which gives you a clue as to there real success rate / scammy nature.