Can you take a photo of the board front and back in it’s entirety.
As well as a closer photo of the “enc” IC below the realtek chip.
It’s possible if the 3V3 issue is resolved then the console may still boot, albeit with unpredictable results (because of 1V8)
After which i’ll highlight where to test/measure
But i would also first do a visual inspection of the USB as mentioned above, the fuse wouldn’t blow for no reason, and afaik it wouldn’t/shouldn’t blow even if there was an issue on 3v3 or 1v8
Yup, somebody has had a crack at that USB connector and i can clearly see indications of burnt/charred plastic which can cause serious issues over time…for example 5V/15V getting where it shouldn’t I can also see board/trace damage or it’s flux residue (hopefully the latter) above USB on rear
I’d remove it regardless of whether you have a replacement ready or not as further testing can take place with the battery on it’s own.
Also maybe it’s just the light in your pics but the ESD diode on the boards rear (near “CW” marking doesn’t look to healthy.
Bear with me as i haven’t yet documented the 3V3 (“enc” ic) area, but from memory theres a 1.8V enable signal going to one of the points around there, i’ll check.
I wouldn’t bother changing the M9 IC at this stage as nothing is jumping out at me as faulty there based on your previous measurements, save replacing it for later
Sorry, Been having a hard time positively identifying the “ENXX” IC
On first glance it appears to be either TPS63025x or TPS63024x but there are some inconsistencies, I’m not too worried about the markings on the IC not matchinng the datasheet as that’s typical but the physical dimensions are a hair different… i measure the one on the board at 2.30mm x 1.70mm
Even so, the application circuit lists identical support components (inductor, caps etc) compared to whats on the board so somewhat confident.
OnSemi and ST have converters/regs in similar packages with the same pin/ball count and pitch etc but as far as i can tell none of them were a match pin definition and layout wise.
I’ll finish buzzing everything out on a donor tomorrow and after will hopefully positively ID the IC as a result, afterwhich i can give specifics of what/where to test.
Would welcome any thoughts though from others in regards to “ENXX” identity and if I’ve missed something obvious?
@broleke In the meantime though, is there any chance you can take a pic of the boards rear in better light at some point? there are a couple of other things catching my eye but it’s hard to tell because of the photo quality and lighting.
Please unplug the battery and the charger, put the red probe on ground and with the black probe test the six legs from the ic and compare the values with them on my post.
Apologies, I made an error earlier while viewing the datasheet… In order for TPS63025x or TPS63024x to be the correct IC/s the Pin layout would have to be flipped (and even then, there’s an issue)
Even so, I’m pretty sure the “ENXX” IC is a TI part and is either a custom variant of TPS63025x or TPS63024x or a rebadged variant of another TI chip spun off from this series (which I’m unable to find) - Checking the various signals on my oscilloscope mirrors the figures in the datasheet 1:1 including inductor freq.
Though if I’m wrong I’d be happy to be corrected. As ST has some very similar specced packages but none were quite right when looking at my scope, given that though, it’s possible it could be from another manufacturer.
Thanks and sorry about the next naive question, but how should I measure something on side-A ?
Do I only need to connect the battery wire and short some pins on the power button connector on side B ?
The resistance for side-A are (from left to right):
1.5MOhm (fluctuating down)
And for the capacitor next IMX7, 43ohm and 50ohm (reverse polarity).
The reading are fluctuating a lot (decreasing continuously), this I cannot explain… but my electronic skills are somehow really limited.
If I’m understanding the question correctly - “how do i prompt the console to boot with only the battery connected” is how I’m interpreting it, but correct me if I’m wrong?
If you still have the USB connector present on the board you can quickly plug it in whlie the battery is connected then after unplug the cable, the console will remain powered on until battery is unplugged or drained.
If you want to play it safe because of the dodgy USB connector, then you can promt it to boot with just the battery and power button/volume flex connected and hit the power button
If you don’t have a spare flex out of assembly you can also alternatively just bridge one of the four pins to ground on the power/volume flex connector. I don’t remember the pin order off the top of my head but ones ground, volume+, Volume-, power. So you just touch the ground pn to the power-on pin with tweezers… there’s only three choices here so you’ll get the right one in the end
Assuming this is from the larger test pad? could really do with the opposing probe polarity readings here.
I have an idea whats iip but i’ll wait til you get those voltage reading first.
From memory that’s good, and we can rule that rail out just wanted to check as this and other caps on the rail looked somewhat dull
I wouldn’t worry too much about this, your are in effect charging up components when measuring on the board in resistance/diode mode switching/changing polarities can exacerbate the problem depending on whats in circuit
Don’t have the options on any of my meters so I’ve got no clue, but might be worth checking it LoZ/Auto Impdenece etc isn’t turned on/off. Might resolve or improve the situation
Thanks for the tip.
Unfortunately, it seems I have not such feature on my DMM.
[860.cdr (](brymen .eu/wp-content/uploads/biall/102093/102093.KARTA_EN…2015-07-09.1.pdf)
The same as before, the 4 points around ENXX highlighted in the pic earlier, and if you can overlay your measurements in the pic too it will probably save some confusion
And be really carefull with your probes in this area