I’d go over all your primary rails (if you search the forum I’ve went over this quite a few times)
though my concern might be with the EMMC at this point, do you get any bootlogos or anything? is backlight being enabled?
I’d go over all your primary rails (if you search the forum I’ve went over this quite a few times)
though my concern might be with the EMMC at this point, do you get any bootlogos or anything? is backlight being enabled?
Yes i agree, i did a quick check to all output voltages and there seems to be ok. I will do it again more precise and take time to do this well. No, i don’t have any boot image it’s completely dead maybe only backlight but I’m not sure, i saw something but the room lights are very bright and im not sure, have to check again.
This is the result:
Sys rail is present (4.2V) and it goes to the other ic like Pmic, ENXx etc… but of course with no output of these ic’s
Test only with usb power connection, no battery.
M92 is faulty?
Your missing your 1V8PDR and I guess also (it’s not in your image) your 3V3PDR…
M92 is not the main PMIC, search the forum for “primary rails”, I’ve covered it a bunch of times - measure the resistance to ground on all your primary rails
yep, you got them
from memory everything looks good, though your 1V8PDR is perhaps a little low (1.5K) but I’ll have to check that on one of my Lites as they are slightly different, can you let me know the resistance to ground there again but reverse your probe polarity?
With battery connected and USB power connected, can you measure the voltage at all the inductors in your above picture and let me know the readings?
Done, resistance at ground with reversed probes is almost the same, the only difference is at the 1V8PDR line measuring 1.8k
These is the voltage with USB and battery attached…
Sorry Severence, what to do next?
Reconnect both power inputs and prompt the console to see if ENxx enables the 3.3 rail?
Another question: what should I have on the upper left coil where actually is 0v?
Sorry if I’m boring you!
So it turns out your 1V8PDR is actually coming up, you should be seeing that at that cap from earlier at the M92 IC,
But your also missing your 1V35 rail, this is more common on Mariko/Lite boards as I’ve never seen it on Erista boards.
This could be for any number of reasons, and open resistor around the SoC can cause this but also an open line under the SoC itself
Last update for this Switch lite:
I think that i will give up, i checked everything and seems all good. Yes the 1.35 rail still missing and maybe the pmic is faulty ( in diode mode on the upper left inductor i have jumping values). All the other power rails are present but i think that can be also a software issue cause there was a mod installed before. I tried to connect the switch on a pc and it recognized it, when i push the power button with the tegrarcmgui it seems going on and off normally but the switch appears dead.
I don’t know how modchips works on this device maybe its stuck on autorcm mode and will never load again its owf if i don’t put another modchip inside. I don’t know what else to do.