Hi guys, I’m missing that voltage, does anyone know where it comes from?
It charges well but does not start, I have all the voltages of BQ, M2 and PIC
The orange marked line looks to me pretty the same.The only differences I see are the single caps instead of double and the arragement of resistors and caps over the 8316.
Your measurement is the 4V Vsys input at the 8316. Your missing voltage is at the cap below.
I would check if the diode and the resistor (red marking) are fine.
In principle I have similar values on 2 boards, is it possible that the 8316 integrated circuit is faulty?
does it have to have output voltage in standby?
It is possible, that the 8316 is bad.
Would be intersting if the enables are high. But on the V2 board the both lines go direct to their vias.
The diode is ok?
I don’t think it is powered in stdby.
Sorry for not answering before, I have not been able to continue with the Nintendo until now, the diode is fine, I have found another fault, in this regulator it should give a voltage of 5v or 15v depending on the charger we use, I do not have voltage.
In diode mode I have found that it should give a value similar to 704

The first photo is my board, it has 1 resistor and 2 capacitors, but I assume the regulator value must be the same