BDM-010 PS button (B16) always on


I have a dualsense controller with a strange behavior : the B16 (PS button) stays always on, even when hte motherboard is removed from the controller case, so it’s not a physical button or ribbon problem. All other button work as expected.
I also checked the button on the MB, it’s acting normally, no short.

It’s a controller that I have already repaired : I changed modules for Hall effect ones, and solved a charge problem by replacing the DA9087 chip, taken from a donnor board).

As far that I can see, there’s no short on caps around the board, no burnt resistor, and no sign of short whith my (very basic china no-brand) thermal camera.

Do anyone have a suggestion ? Thanks !


I finally found what was the problem : there was no bad component, just a slight residue of flux on the motherboard where the pads contacts the ribbon. Enough to make a permanent contact, indeed.

After a (desesperate) careful cleanup of the pads, all buttons act like expected. Hope this wil help someone, someday.

Edit : the problem came back :angry: More inquiries needed.