Black screen white light ps5

Good morning
I have a ps5 with a black screen and white light. I have already changed the MN864739 twice. checked and tested the connector everything looks good. However, I have a little doubt about the diode circled in the drawing. I have a value (diode mode) in one direction of 0.7 v which is normal, however in the other direction I have 1.1v. As if I was in a short circuit or almost. Has anyone had this problem before or can they tell me where this diode goes?

What makes you think 1.1v is a short? A short is 0v diode reading not more than 1v in your measurment.

sorry, I expressed myself badly. For me this type of diode only lets the current flow in one direction so for me 1.1v is not normal and I didn’t see any other fault. Finally I replaced the HDMI socket which had no visual defects and which “sounded good” and it works! so obviously the measurements are good.