TLDR: beginner at work, toasted the board due to rookie mistakes, looking for ways to undo the damage done.
Hello. I botched a HWFlymodchip installation on my Nintendo Switch Lite.
imgur_com/a/yjkMHOw Pic.1.
I knocked off two small capacitors that filter the lines on pins 12 and 30 of the LCD connector.
After that, I faced artifacts in hekate and blue screen in HOS.
hekate also failed to load Nyx and couldn’t load libraries from the SD card.
imgur_com/a/yjkMHOw Pic.2.
After reflowing all the soldering joints where the modchip connects to the board (including the joints on the APU), I no longer get any form of display output, only the backlight comes on. I’m afraid I caused damage to the APU by shorting one of its capacitors (SP2 on the modchip ribbon) with an unshielded soldering iron and, a rookie mistake, forgetting to unplug the battery beforehand.
I’ve tried cleaning and re-inserting the screen connector multiple times after I spotted some weird corrosion on it.
I want to know the capacitor values, since capacitor dislocation is reversible. If you can provide any advice on restoring or diagnosing the board (hopefully without expensive or inaccessible operations like reballing or motherboard swap), you’re more than welcome to. Any help is appreciated.