Yes, it has a new one now (can’t guarantee it’s a good one as it’s from a donor board), the coil has now 490k ohm resistance to ground.
Can I get a new pic with all coil reading?
Multimeter set at 200k ohm reading, I feel like the other settings are giving me completely off results…
Need a better multimeter, lol.
Sorry, I dont think I was clear, it was this one I was hoping to get updated:
My caps are different from the ones on that photo btw
Short on the yellow cap
I mean yellow coil “”"""
Actually, I think that is looking good now, the yellow coil is usually around 40 - 50ohms so will beep on many meters.
I would be tempted at this point to connect the board to a PC with the eMMC connected and see if it still goes into to RCM,
Yeah, the yellow line gives me 37 ohms.
Is it exploitable? I would load up hekate if so, and check if AutoRCM is enabled.
It is exploitable, will give it a try
Got backlight!!! I suspect the screen flex connector is damaged.
Will try to do it with another screen.
After a screen FPC replacement…
It’s alive! I can’t believe It works even after a prior repair attempt, 3 BQ’s, 1 M92 and a screen connector replacement.
I can’t thank you enough @Insomniac.
Nice! Let us know if you cant get it going fully.
After resoldering a new right joycon FPC… I’m kinda stuck here.
I’ve disabled auto-rcm but it still doesn’t boot to stock os.
Does this mean that it is corrupted?
Kinda new to the cfw thing.
(also the touchscreen doesn’t work atm, but that might be a bad soldering job).
That battery is reporting very low, are you able to get to the battery stats screen? If not maybe try the text version of hekate, which i think is version 5.0.0
Right now it has an old battery that I had, it was completely dead, and now it is slow charging via PC.