Fuel Gauge IC issue but fuel gauge not at fault

See result here

Resistance to ground for P13 and M92 pin 6 seems good and stabe.

What is ENXX IC?

Ufortunately as epected the fault seems to be pointing towrds the SoC…you can try doing the same thing on the coil on your 1VPDR and see if it suggests the same if you want…

Near the Realtek IC if you don’t know what I’m talking about just measure off the big cap near middle of the P13 instead which is on the same rail

You mean this one ?

The cap in the middle of P13 show:

  • 860 ohms black prob on ground
  • 425 ohm red prob on ground

Any suggest ! Thx

yeah. Which probe on ground?

It’s low but need confirmation on the above prior (notice the similarity)

The coil 1VPDR resistance is 425 ohms case black prob on ground and stabe.

For P13 show the 425 ohms case red prob on ground

Interesting they’re correlating so closely (even on inverse polarity) … I don’t think this is a coincidence

With one probe on one and the other probe on the other whats the resistance?

Black probe on p13 cap and red probe on P1VPDR 830 ohm

Thr opposite show 1070 ohms.

Note that the mesurement on the PMIC coils was made by using black probe on ground as you recomand

Interesting, divisible by two and we end up at the approx resistance of each which makes sense…

Remove this inductor the same as the other and see which side the high short remains on. You migt also want to disconnect the EMMC module as this is also connected to this rail.

Unfortuunately though the only ICs which have these two rails in common (afaik) is the SoC and the PMIC, based on your previous results it’s looking more likely to be SoC related fault.

second inductor removed and EMMC module disconnected see result:

Thanks for next suggest.

Yes unfortunately based on your measurments it’s almost certanly an SoC related issue, most likely being caused by an internal short to ground on your 3V3PDR and pulling down those other rails as a result, as such there isn’t really much you can do :frowning:

Aie!! the adventure ends there.

Are you talking about a short on the soc nvidia tegra side?

Certainly it is more complicated. (Recall, the switch starts well, it freezes but responds every 5 seconds, still show battery drain)

recalls intervention history in the order USB-C, MT92T36, max17050 then I changed the P13 and also the screen connectors and the touch pad. This short circuit may have occurred following a Mishandling.

Unfortunately it seems so, I mean you can pull the PMIC as a last crossed finger approach but I expect the shorts to remain even after :frowning:


Yeah could be, or connecting/powering on during other fault conditions

It will be interesting to be able to confirm this diagnosis in another way :slight_smile:

I prefer to say to be continued :sweat_smile:

Hi Jrou, Im starting to get into the Microsoldering cause of my broken switch,
and was wondering if you could please help me,
I’m trying to look for shorts on my board but I dont know how to do it,
I set my meter to the OMEGA thing but I dont know what im looking for on the screen
any help would be great, thank you



sorry for this late response.

I don’t see what short circuit you have. There are tutorials for testing and identifying the burnt out components causing such a short circuit.

Good luck