Help identify this component please

Please be advised, I have used Rich’s Image because my camera is playing up at present and struggling to work out how to convert an Apple photo.

I have an issue with USB-C port. I have replaced it and fairly confident the port is installed satisfactorily, but when I measure one of the pins it is not measuring correctly.

The only part I can see holding this measurement down is the one circled in Red.

I would like to know what this is so that I can pull a datasheet, and also find a replacement…
Unless someone has any other thoughts please

remove this esd ic and check your reading before ordering new chip. Switch could work normal without it

@jkyoho Thank you for this info. I removed this IC and that pin is still reading 1.6… instead of 494 in diode mode. So it can’t be that component.

Yes I know a lot of people don’t agree in diode mode but Calvin has created some amazing diagrams.

you have red prob on ground when measuring 1.6?

Apologies for the delay in my response.

I have currently removed the M92 chip as I was testing for shorts around the chip…all shorts are cleared.
Whilst M92 is off I have taken 2 readings 1V8PDR = 1.9KOhms and 3V3PDR 5.8KOhms

Lastly, in regard to your question, I have taken some new reading around the USB-C port with that small ESD IC removed, and still with M92 off the board
NOTE: original image taken from Geekmatics

why would you compare the reading when m92 is off the board?

@jkyoho that is a very good question. I am sure I read somewhere on this forum about removing the M92 and then taking the readings.
I might have dreamt it though haha

I am going to re-install M92 and then take some further readings later hopefully.