I need someone who can break down technical language involved in fixing my switch lite


I recently sent my switch lite out to someone and paid for the service to replace my charging port as my device wasn’t charging. They had my device for about 10 days, so I messaged them asking when it would be done. I received a message that stated

, " I have done some extra work rebuilding the pads where the charging port is soldered and waiting for it to dry and seal well to solder the new charging port"

After receiving this message I waited a few days and asked again if they knew when they would be done, and they replied

" I am in a series of extra jobs that the console has, the charging port came with some broken cells and they were making contact with the frame and caused a short circuit and burned several electronic circuits, also the pads where the charging port is soldered were broken. There is one of the electronic circuits that I have in stock but there is still another that I do not have because it normally does not get damaged and I ordered it here in the country and it should arrive on Wednesday"

At this point they told me they were going to require additional money to fix it.
I then inquired about the issues and they replied

“I was redoing the pads and I had no signal from the electronic circuits. The electronic integrated circuits have internal electronic circuits also sometimes they can fail because they burn and everything is connected producing abnormal signals but sometimes they get damaged by opening the filaments without passing enough current. I was only able to realize when the final work on the pads was done and worked with voltage.”

After some more time had passed and I had not heard anything, I messaged them again and this is the reply I received

“the charging port has already been replaced with a new one and it is perfect, I have already checked it several times, the integrated electronic circuits that are in the red circle and the blue circle have already been replaced, the blue one was the last one I indicated since the red is the power manager that passes the current to the blue one that charges the battery, there is still a problem with the circuits indicated in orange that modify the data voltage that activate the charging battery signal and the system start, the connection lines and the integrated circuits are fine but an internal line inside the board I think is missing and I am studying how to make bridges since it is a new fault and I must figure out a way for the precise voltage to arrive to activate the signals. Today and tomorrow I am going to rest the motherboard and do the study of the connections and I will try on Monday to make the repair. Sorry, there are times when faults are not detected until the work is carried out.”

So for clarification I purchased a nintendo switch lite charging port repair.
They have had my device for 3 weeks and have asked for an additional 20.00
Before I sent the device aside from the loose charging port causing the device to not charge properly, there was nothing wrong with the device, meaning it was actively being played.
Also I had the charging port replaced once under warranty with no other issues.

Can somebody who has knowledge of this technical terminology please tell me if what they are claiming is legitimate?

To translate the technical language: “We fked up your device when replacing the port so I need extra time and extra charge to make it somewhat working when you pickup”.
FYI, compared to OG switch got ripped pads on charge port, the S-lite has only 2x4pins in the middle play their roll since lack of TV output/DOCK feature, which means less work to deal with gone pads.
However, lite charge port is more closed to other IC like MAX17050/fuel gauge, and battery connector on front side.
When the “tech” lack of skills, bad things add-up together.

Oh no.

Thank you . I appreciate the response.

tbh, messed up by accident or lack of exp is such learning curve for all tech but charging extra to customer because of thing out of your control is a shame. Not to mention if you make up excuses to your customer.

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My impressions are this tech is either clueless or this is not his native language / bad translation… a lot of what he is saying is nonsense. This for example

the charging port came with some broken cells and they were making contact with the frame

Makes zero sense, since when do USB ports have “cells” and since when is there an opportunity for them to short to the frame/case (never) . List goes on, pretty much anything else he’s saying in relation to anything electronic is broken gobbledygook.

USB pads being damaged is very common on switch but typically only upon inexperienced user / tech attempting to remove with hot air, it’s far less common the pads get damaged externally from general usege / drops as the USB itself is backed up with two screws into the frame. If the USB port had mangled pins (ie the likely reason for the initial fault) then it’s common the M92 IC would have also have failed. Basically, you should have been quoted for the USB and M92 replacements + fee prior and that should basically be it.

Sounds to me like he screwed up the USB removal, ripped a lot / all the USB pads off the board, spent excessive time trying to repair the pads on the board, and by the sound of it used regular glue (instead of UV cure) to attempt this repair. Then sounds like he didn’t take into account the M92 being at fault and has replcaced, likely screwed up other components / IC’s in the aireas too. All in all just sounds like a bad tech with no experience… shouldn’t be practicing on customers devices.

If he provided you with photos feel free to post them here and we can take a look to see if what he’s replacing is unrelated to the initial fault and if hes spinning a yarn.

What’s the total cost of repair currently?

Thank you so much for your response. I really appreciate it.

This person isn’t a native speaker as you may have suggested.
The amount so far is 70.00 which doesnt seem bad at this point.
They did send pictures, however I have tried to upload them here several times and for some reason it will not let me.

I see, that may be part of it then.

I would probably quote something like 30/40 EUR/$ + postage max for USB & M92 IC replacement these days (assuming no other issues) . Replacement boards are not even worth 70EUR/$ on it’s own and entire consoles on their own are probably barely above this nowadays. Wouldn’t make ecenomical sense to charge much more than this, so i guess it depends on the other work being done and actual cause of damage to USB pads etc (even so, I’d still do pad repair in my guide quoted price)

You can uploade to an image host and post your link like > imgur (dot) com/yourimage

Thanks to all who helped me out on this topic.

The update is that this person has finally claimed to have fixed my device. As for the additional $20. They repeatedly asked me to send it through a 3rd party app. The site I found this person on doesnt allow for paying or asking for payment outside of their site
. I relayed this info to this person who has chosen to send me my device, and wants me to personally test it out before sending the $20.
I just received pictures of my device with shipping label and fed ex confirmation that it has shipped. It should be here on the 20th.
Fingers crossed that it works

Thanks again. I used some of the info you gave me which seemed to motivate them to get things done. I appreciate all of you who took time out of your day to reply to my question.
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas (insert whatever you celebrate)