So it’s likely the ENXX IC there is faulty or has bad soldering, but just to verify this, can you disconnect the battery/USB and put your black probe on ground and red probe on that cap in the image above (where you were reading 0.69V) and let me know the resistance in ohms
That’s good, that tells us with almost 100% certainty it’s the ENXX IC at fault,
Typically the IC is quite robust and doesn’t fail unless the cause was (often) extreme liquid/corrosion damage, you might want to inspect the balls below, as in most of the failures I’ve seen it’s been as a result of poor prior rework on M92 IC, for example someone who has used excessive heat and the EN IC on the reverse has became detached.
Replacing or reballing will require some prior BGA rework experience. though you may attempt a reflow first, though I would be careful here as a mistep could cause permanent damage to other areas of the board.
On the plus side, you can buy this IC preballed, which makes the job easier, the IC is a RP602Z330C which you can find on mouser or other.
Judging by your image, the damage to the polymer top on that IC indidcates prior rework (aggressive tweezer action) so it’s likely a soldering issue on the IC