So my PS4 recently started to randomly shut off or reboot it self. It is not consistent, it can be while I am booting a game, downloading an app, wanna change a setting, heck even when I log into the console. I’m growing desperate here as I’ve tried everything I could think of.
Steps I’ve taken so far:
- Initialization
- Rebuilt database
- reset to factory settings
- tried to update but the console is on the latest firmware
- I’ve reseted the console from safemode with a usb-drive
- I’ve changed HDD twice with brand new SSDs
- Tried to run the console on wired, wireless and no connection at all
- Changed power cord
- Cleaned the dust out from the console and applied new thermal paste (and pads for some where dry and broken)
- The last thing I tried was the washer trick.
Please say that you have an answer for me what to do… This thing is driving me crazy for real.