I replaced the top screen of my 2ds XL because it cracked, it was working for a little while. But now when I try to turn it on the top screen flashes white and then goes out. Nothing happens on the bottom screen, also no blue light or sound. When I charge it, it does get an orange light. I tried reseating and cleaning the cables but it’s still doing the same thing. Other details - It was homebrewed, and the touchscreen connector on the board broke. (Even though it was working without the touch screen).
Hard to say, I’ve not done work on 2DS but I do know on Switch an orange screen is a panic code, and it can be caused (on Switch) if pin/s are bridged in the LCD connector where they shouldn’t. So might be worth inspecting all connectors involved for any potential bent pins and also taking a look at the ribbons for any signs of damage.
Your bottom screen showing black may be pointing to the two sharing common rail/s. After inspecting inside the connectors and assuming there is no bent pins, I’d connect up the bottom screen solo (leave everything else disconnected that can be) and see if you get display here, start connecting things up one by one to determine where the problem lies. If the bottom screen shows nothing initially then complete the steps in reverse and start with the top screen.
If on the other hand you find damage to the connector/s or bent pins, then they’ll need replaced prior to any of this.
Less likely is damaged ribbons (as this would typally lead to open lines as opposed to shorts and also just failure of the LCD panels themselves.
Also, is the console actually on behind the scenes? can you hear menu noises etc?
Do you get a blue light at all? If it is a very quick flash,it usually suggests the other screen has an issue.
Nope no blue light at all, the only sign of life is the top screen flashing white for a millisecond when I press the power button.
Do you get a popping sound from the speakers?
Either way I would first check your bottom screen ribbon cable.