Hey guys. i have an issue with my PS5 which is in IDU mode. I changed 0x001C9600 to 00 in BIOS (i read that this is related to IDU mode) but whenever I solder BIOS back to console it starts up again in IDU mode. I’m not sure however if i should do it with or without CMOS battery. Any ideas?
Hey, sorry for late reply. Whenever I change that input (from 01 to 00) whenever i boot up console I get back to IDU mode. Only thing that worked for me was putting someone else’s bios with changed motherboard sn but since then I can’t verify and of the game licenses. Could my original bios be corrupted? I still have it saved.
Could it be possible, that the console is a real kiosk version, which came from a officall kiosk stand?
Not sure if I gotta be honest. We don’t really have kiosk PS5 in Poland, they just put regular PS5’s on display. Even if I’d would be real kiosk version - changing bios but keeping same serial number and lan or wifi ID (not sure how this was called) would make it magically work? That’s the part that’s keeps me wondering.