PS5 No Power and Missing 3.3V and 5V Rails

I have a PS5 that does not powerup, I have the 12 V rails in the appropriate places but no 5V or 3.3V in all the areas they are supposed to be in. I was wondering if anyone knew where the 5V rail is generated from, which section of the board?

Appreciate any input.

5v comes from big 1R0 inductor on left side HDMI IC

I believe this pic captured from a EDM-020 board ,there should be F7001 fuse on EDM-010 board, which is the main 5V standby output from.

I checked voltages at the 1R0 and there is no 5v present. I checked for shorts on the two mosfets
and there is no presence of shorts. is it possible that the mosfets are the issue. I do not see any voltage on the gate side of the mosfet.

Any ideas what I check for ?

Do you have F7001 fuse on your board? what resistance to ground on 1R0 and F7001 right side(far from 1R0)?

I am measuring around 84K ohms

It starts around 400K and then continues to drop to 84K

fuse has continuity?

Yes…everything looks good from that standpoint.

any idea where the gate is tied to for the mosfet? it would need to be supposed voltage to operate?

The MOSFET gate ties to the 3219A chip under the 1R0 inductor. You have 12v comes to the MOSFET right?

Yes I have a strong 12 volts presence at the mosfet

Any idea what is happening here?