PS5 will not power on if disc drive is connected

Hello, I have a Ps5 I’ve been working on for a while with an odd issue, as the title states. Initially the device was completely dead when I first got hold of it, but after replacing the south bridge I have power now. The only other issue is the front USB and USB-C ports do not work, but that is not a huge problem atm. The disc drive seemed to be receiving power as the few times I could connect it and get the console to power on, pressing the eject button would get me a few clicking noises (no beeps), but it would neither take nor eject any discs. Now, any time I try and plug the disc drive in, the console does not power on at all. I am unsure if it is possible to replace the whole drive as the issue seems to be the board for the drive, not the console, but I could be wrong. I also know that the drive is paired to the main board, but I am not sure if there are ways to flash a whole new one. I am unable to update the system as it continues crashing and force booting into safe mode without the disc drive being plugged in. Any help is appreciated.

  • even without a disc drive there should be a beeping when Eject is pressed
  • there are two fuses 12V & 5V F5401 F5402 at the disc drive connector on the mainboard. I would check them if they are blown.
  • for testing you can use another drive to check if the drive is the issue. But there is atm no way to replace the origin SIE chip on the disc drive board.

Perfect, thank you. I will check. Do you know if the unit can still be updated with a different disc drive?

From my understanding a PS5 should not update without the original drive.

But I had a conversation with a user, who managed somehow to update a PS5 with a different drive and get stucked with the error message: “…disc isn’t supported…” when trying Game discs.

Interesting. I will see what happens when I get my hands on a new drive. I stupidly threw out the old one, so I may be screwed. :slight_smile: Thank you for the advice.

Sorry to hear.
Would be interesting for me, to see what happen if you try to update with another drive.

it’s a known issue
you can only swap disc drives on certain board revs
some models have parts pairing
I forget what ic’s from the drive you’d have to transfer to a new part