Starting a Console Repair/Mod Shop

Hi all,

Being heavily influenced by the console modding and repair channels on YouTube, I’ve started up my own modding and repair shop. I’ve gotten a couple of customers from local game store referrals and sold a few modded PS2s on eBay.

I’m wondering what’s the best way to find customers with things that need fixed, restored, etc?

Thanks All

Advertise mate billboards YouTube Facebook Twitter put ads where you will catch people’s eye


@PinkLightning, that’s a great idea. I hadn’t really thought about advertising cause of the limited budget, but you’re right doing a little advertising could go a long way.

Thanks for replying.

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No probs mate happy to help

Google Ads will do the job…

I would definitely say gamestop. I have about 4-5 gamestop’s that refer all their customers my way I got to know each manager very well and they refer everyone my way. Once I got this done the amount of consoles and accessories relayed to games skyrocketed. I think we went from maybe a couple a month to somewhere in the 15-18 or so a month. Granted there are some crazy days where we have way more but on average I would say about that.

I would say connecting with some people especially the managers there and trying your best to be just helpful really puts you on good terms with them. Not saying you should do anything for free. But maybe go the extra mile.


Thanks @Carlosthehuman, that’s a great idea. While I haven’t stopped by the local Gamestop, I did stop by a couple independent small game and card shops. I’ve received a couple referrals, but getting to know the employees and managers of these shops is something I really need to do.

Thanks again!


I highly recommend it. i talked to the managers alot and they receive calls all the time if they are able to do repairs. and try to list out what you’re capable of doing


I realize this thread is a bit old now. Just thought I would add that as an electronics repair shop that’s been around for 12 years, I started out with simple business cards. Take those, and you’d be surprised what a box of doughnuts can do for employee morale at the places you’re soliciting.

Drop off a stack of cards, I had a limited run where they had a $5 off coupon on the cards. The reason I like business cards so much is because I would leave them on gas pumps when I filled up gas, when they’re given to people even if they’re dropped somewhere people pick them up (got a few customers this way), and even after one person uses it to find you, they sometimes pass it to the next person.