Check the caps to the left of the SoC around the middle are intact.
If that’s not the issue then it’s possible the connectors or diodes near them or on the opposing side of the board have failed or your not getting continuity somewhere, can you provide phots of the board and I’ll highlight them if neccessary… though i think @Calvin has already created a diagram for these.
Yeah, I could be wrong but i seem to remember a lot of people were somehow knocking one or both these capacitors off during SX modchip installs and it caused the same symptoms your seeing… though this is from memory only, it might have been at the second bootscreen… i haven’t duplicated this.
It might be your having similar issues to Calvin over on this topic, might be worth first disconnecting battery and power and checking you have continuity at the various points highlighted in my “diagram”. If that’s all good then check the various voltages detailed in Calvins working voltage spreadsheet and ensurig they’re all present… if not report back and I’ll try and help you figure out why.
I haven’t fully traced this out yet, but if your green highlights represent the short to ground then you could try pulling the highlighted IC and see if the short clears in the meantime.
Sorry still haven’t got round to identifying your fault, i’ll check a bit later on when i get a minute.
The IC’s you’ve highlighted next to the WIFI IC… I’ve never had a consistent reading on these components, in and out of circuit from one board to the next, i initially thought they were diodes but it’s (and i’m probably wrong here as i haven’t got round to looking into them) possible they’re LDO’s - perhaps the WIF IC datasheet would shed some light on this, i haven’t checked it yet (if ones avaliable). My boards which i was testing the said components worked fine and exhibited no issues despite the reading differences between multiple other boards.
So i wouldn’t put to much weight behind these being a potential issue.