Sw Lite 0.490A No Boot

Would anyone be able to point me in the right direction on where to go with t/s’ing a switch lite for my coworker? I’m new to repairing switches and have seen posts about checking primary rails but am looking for some information on where to test for these voltages and when they would appear (which boot stage).

Currently, I’ve verified everything apart from the main board is working with a known good one. I do not have any voltage on the test points near the MAX 77812 or voltage on the small pad to the left either. When plugged into usb with battery connected, battery charges and cpu gets warm but no changes. I’m aware this is a relatively common power draw with a wide variety of causes but I’d like to try to dig into it and learn.

Please let me know what information/measurements you need (preferably with pics) and I’ll get back ASAP.

Thanks in advance!

The easiest thing to do is to see if the switch is in RCM mode. Connect the switch lite to a PC and if you hear the USB ding on your PC then its in RCM mode which more than likely means you have a bad emmc.

I’m assuming that’s not a feasible fix on a kite if it is eMMC?

On a lite sorry typo

There’s no chime on the PC when plugged in.