Came with water damage. charge draw 0.4A no power
I looked at the board under the microscope and found that there is water damage to this capacitor. I want to identify this capacitor. try to replace it first.
Thank you!
Came with water damage. charge draw 0.4A no power
I looked at the board under the microscope and found that there is water damage to this capacitor. I want to identify this capacitor. try to replace it first.
Thank you!
I would check if any other water damaged area on the front side, especially like max77812 and the 29pin cable connector on daughter board and main board. Those are the most common area a switch lite got water damaged hit.
The cap you point out is 0.1uF, you can knock it off and test the rest before replacing new one.
Yes, you are right. I found it very wrong with max77812 area.
These caps read 0.11v with red prob on the ground.
Surprisingly i took it off very easily and I noticed someone worked it before with low-melt solder.
this board is not only water damaged.
took the chip off and these caps still read 0.11v. is this chip’s fault or somewhere else?
0.11v diode reading on that Vsys line is normal for V2/lite board. Do you see any cap around max77812 has discolor solder joint?
sorry, my test board was bad.(it was good board but now i found crack on glass ic and it’s shorted)
I tested again with a different known good board.
now I found this area M6H8
Both sides is not shorted on the ground but there is continuity between the blue and green mark point.
(good board doesn’t)
faulty board red prob on ground,
blue mark: 0.530v green mark0.533v
there is continuity between the blue mark and green mark 0.008v
good board red prob on ground
blue :0.515v green 0.630v
Black prob on the blue mark and red prob on the green mark there is 0.503v. if do the opposite it’s OL
Does this mean M6 H8 bad?
or M92t?
I took M6H8 off and check value, value got back to normal.
Can we buy this M6H8 in somaliexpress? I couldn’t find it yet
I replaced it, and now the value around that area get back normal.
but still not working. charge 0.4a black screen
Did you try replacing max77812 with new or known good one? Initially you mentioned you have 0.4A current draw which i assumed the blue/green mosfet area you just mentioned should be good
Thank you!
I replaced it and still same.
connected to the power supply and pushed the power button, stuck for at 125mA no moving.