Switch Lite fan always on full when console fully off

The fault. When connecting the battery after repair the fan runs all the time until I switch on the unit. All boots and works perfectly. As long as I only allow it to go into stanby. If I fully power down, the fan then starts up and I can no longer boot the device without first disconnecting the battery.

The back story. Purchased as a no power on device, Cleaned up minor water damage and had to jumper wire over to the backlight ribbon as it had a burn mark on one trace where it enters the FPC connector. Also fitted a new USB port as very slight damage to one set of connections.

I am guessing that I am missing some water damage somewhere but I have spent a long time under the microscope checking the board. Nothing is showing on the thermal camera as an obvious component fault but I have a suspicion that it may just be the fan controller or select line which is loading something down and preventing the console from booting normally.
I have had a google search and the only references I find are on a redit thread but no solution was ever posted.
I am not yet sure which components are associated with the fan control so if anyone has any further input or even better resolved a similar issue I would apprececiate their input. Karl

Did you ever find a fix have a switch light with the same problem when turned fully off fans dont stop turning

Unfortunately no. I still have the switch, and it still has the same issue. I need to have another look at it, maybe with the thermal camera. I never did find out which components actually control the fan, but i never really gave it enough time.

Hey, old thread but I had a very similar issue. Replacing the LDO regulator fixed the fan spinning while powered off. It’s a 9pin BGA on the back of the normal Switch and side one of the Switch lite. +AJZ xxx

I did eventually get around to looking at it. I found a little more water damage on a small component on the left side of my board. After a clean and a reflow, all now works as it should. Karl