Long story short, he failed trying to install a modchip, pulled it out and now it doesn’t power on.
I’ve watched a few install videos, which helped identify which areas to start digging into and I’ve found quite a few components missing (including the 4-pin power/vol connector). Which has me wondering if it’s even worth trying to fix (See pictures). Even if I find all the damaged parts and somehow replace them, I assume the console could still be bricked.
Anyways, I’m curious on people’s opinions as to whether I should try fixing this or just say “Screw it” and sell it as a parts board on ebay to someone who might have a use for it.
1,2,3 are needed (0201 1µF 20% 6.3V)
4,5,8 are not needed for testing, but should be resoldered if the Switch works
6 is empty by factory
7 is needed (0201 10k Ohms)
For testing I would use a second daughterboard and if the Switch works, resolder a new connector.
I just don’t know the extent of the damage. Yes many components are missing or damaged. But there could be other issues too for all I know. When I check continuity between many of the caps behind the CPU and ground, there is continuity. Is that a sign that the cpu is bad?
Normally those are not “short”. You can do the same way you test on a working board.
This device is clearly a failed mod S-lite, I don’t think CPU dead by in such common scenario
I get that. I saw on some videos that if the capacitors on the opposite side of the board (of the processor) mostly show continuity to ground then the cpu is most likely damaged. Which is why I’m hesitant to sink time & money into replacing all these pieces.
A good quantity of the caps on the reverse side of the SoC are on the boot CPU rail which is low resistance to ground (which is normal) ie. less than 50 ohm and as such will cause your meter to beep in continuity (hence why I say to check resistance instead)
Not really sure where the money is coming from, resistors and caps are pennies and in regards to time it should take you no more than a couple of mins to prep pads and place them with hot air. If you want you can concentrate your efforts first on the resistors, board should still boot with missing bypass caps (ordinarily / no otherfaults)
Though I think chances are your might have EMMC issues, which might be the big slow down on this one, plenty of threads here covering failed mod attempts and how to diagnose and repair
It’s hard to justify any money when you get the device for free, but I’m thinking I need to invest in a scope as these components are so tiny. I’ve not done such small components and expect it to be more time consuming because of this.
I was also concerned about Emmc issues but haven’t read up on it to diagnose. I’ll do more reading there. Can it be diagnosed before making the repairs already discussed here?