Hello, my lite switch of my son no longer works, I disassembled it and I saw oxidation, I cleaned and changed some resistance the switch is restarted but there is no sound, and from time to time at startup I have the error 2153-0321, I swapped the audio chip with another switch but I have the same problem… I tried another speaker and the same problem… do you have an idea? I’ll post you some photos, thank you in advance
If I plug headphones jack the switch boot but no sound in headphones
show the audio chip area after your replacement.
I believe you didnot replace the 5pin LDO regulator next to it
Hello whee is it ? Thanks
Okay I need try to change it thanks
I have try to change it and I lost my new regulator can I find same regulator on switch v1 v2 or OLED ? Thanks because I have other motherboard
But I truc with old regulator I restart the switch with headphone and I hear sound but very bad sound like crispy…
this one from v1 or v2 should work. though I think the one on oled should fit better
since v1/v2 is far elder design.
Thank you very much, I changed the regulator and the switch starts normally without the game player but there is no sound, if I connect the game player the switch displays the error. and does not want to go to the menu
If I disconnect the game player the switch continues to make the error, I have to disconnect the battery, I wait a moment and the Switch wants to restart, but still without sound and without a game player.
I have try other reader card game same thing
have you replaced/worked those resistors around the LM damaged area or just the chips?
It is barely impossible to figure your situation without detail pictures
If you have idea or schématique of audio line …? Thanks
Hep … please iam so lost