I read on another post that eBay isn’t typically a good place to buy from, so if not from eBay, where do you buy from?
I’ve had some good success buying from Goodwill, but also some not success. I believe there are “whole salers”/“lot sales” websites linked in the forum somewhere. That might be a good place to find deals if you can invest in buying in bulk.
I have been repairing consoles for about two years now and most of my consoles have come from customers with “Unrepairable” systems.
Unrepairable examples: Power Surged Consoles, Blue light of death, or just not worth repairing due to extensive damage.
I work full-time and repair consoles in my free time, evening and weekends. I not only offer a repair service but also, buy, sell and trade consoles.
I will take an “Unrepairable” console and trade it for one that I refurbished at a discounted price. This model has proven to be beneficial for me and my customers.