Xbox one series X no fan

Hello , My console works just fine , the fan stopped working i replaced 3 fans now none works .
I measured the pins for the fan (as shown below) .
it seems weird that the pwm voltage is 3.3v while it suppose to be 5V .
i tried supplying 5V directly to the fan . Also nothing .
Can someone guide me to a solution or an idea of where the problem could be coming from .

PS : I changed the connector also nothing changed .

Thanks .

IMG : i.imgur. com /4DXssCI.jpeg

PIN 2 Main Power : 12V / 0.2916 in DIODE MODE
PIN 3 (TACHO) : 2.09V / 0.9725 in Diode Mode
Pin 4 (PWM) : 3.3V / 0.5148 in Diode Mode

i.imgur. com /4DXssCI.jpeg