XSX: No audio via HDMI

Hi, so basically this was a no display issue, I replaced the HDMI port and it now displays but no audio. I replaced the encoder IC after replacing the HDMI port another 2 times and still no audio. Also checked the EMI filters and the EG24 diode and they’re all fine. It displays out in 4K and everything but I just can’t figure out why the audio isn’t working. I’ve tested on 3 TV’s and have reset the Xbox to see if it was a software issue and no dice. Any ideas greatly appreciated.

The audio signal is part of the HDMI data stream. There is no separat audio line. If there is a display output the data stream itself is ok.

What is shown in the audio setup on the Xbox?

The audio settings show as normal afaik. It shows the audio stream type, which is set to uncompressed, is there anything in particular I should be looking for? I have also tried it on more than one TV and have reset the audio settings like I said.

CHECK video override mode setting is on auto-detect or HDMI. I have seen no audio from HDMI when HDMI encoder ic having issue before

So I switched the video override back and forth a few times and it started working :sob: thank you very much!

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